Top 10k strings from Crystal of Power, The (1989)(Fantasy).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   6 north-east
   5 south-west
   5 south-east
   5 north-west
   3 You are dead...
   3 That is now done.!
   2 hieroglyphics
   2 footprints
   2 You can't do that.!
   2 You can hear dripping water.!
   2 They say:!
   1 your own feet.>
   1 you notice water seeping!
   1 you is a human skeleton.>
   1 whole cave.!
   1 warning you away.>
   1 three North-East, West and!
   1 these rocks as a stone wall.!
   1 the wall.>
   1 the trees,closer to the snake.!
   1 the top of a small pile of!
   1 the dirt road. Tyre marks can!
   1 the cave. Only a little light!
   1 the cave wall.>
   1 that make it impossible to go!
   1 stairway leading East.!
   1 soft as you walk.!
   1 slupes every step you make.!
   1 see a hole has been dug.>
   1 section of the cave ends.!
   1 sand.  You struggle to climb!
   1 quit                                                        
   1 part of the cave.!
   1 out but slowly sink under.>
   1 old and rusty.
   1 of the cave. You can just!
   1 of air moves past you.!
   1 of a stairway that leads down!
   1 monkey  scroll  rope    liquid  pad     banana  crown   diamond crystal sword   dynamite 
   1 makes movement difficult.!
   1 it's worn and old.
   1 it's the CRYSTAL OF  POWER.
   1 it's small and hairy.           it reads,   Death to trespassersit's worn and old.              it is in a vase.                it is quite new.                it looks fresh.                 it's made of gold.              it's a fake.                    it's the CRYSTAL OF  POWER.     old and rusty.                  it's damp.                      
   1 it's small and hairy.
   1 it's made of gold.
   1 it's hinges. But it is still!
   1 it's damp.
   1 it's a fake.
   1 it reads,   Death to trespassers.
   1 it looks fresh.
   1 it is quite new.
   1 it is old,  it has fallen off!
   1 it is in a vase.
   1 is made of hard stone but!
   1 is a snake, hissing loudly,!
   1 into a dark passage. Each step!
   1 into a dark cave.!
   1 hieroglphics
   1 heard from above.>
   1 go any further.>
   1 far too heavy to move.>
   1 eyes as you look around the!
   1 exploaded door.!
   1 dark corner.!
   1 covered with slippery mud.!
   1 clear footprints to the West.>
   1 cave. The rocks glow red,green!
   1 can smell a strange odour.>
   1 can be seen from the West.>
   1 been sealed off from the rest.!
   1 be seen leading West.!
   1 as you squeeze into a smaller!
   1 any further.!
   1 and your hair blows as a rush!
   1 and you stand in silence.>
   1 and purple, and light the!
   1 and make your journey harder.!
   1 and light enters from above.!
   1 and gives you a deep bite in!
   1 and gain a large bump on the!
   1 ancient tribe must have laid!
   1 against the wall and you can!
   1 above your head.!
   1 about manage to fit.!
   1 a great pit that leads down!
   1 `````````````````````````````````````````````ehhe````bzzzzzzg````````````````````````````````````888888888888888888888888888888``888888899888888988888>>>>88888``888::8899888889998888888888888``88::::88899888898888::8::<<:88``8::::::8898888898888::8:<<<<88``888:::::888888898888::8:<<<<88``888:::::888888898888::8::<<:88``8888:::888888889888888888<<888``888888888888888888888888888888`````````````````````````````````8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888E888888888888888EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE888888888888EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8888888EE888EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8888888EEE88EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE8888888EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
   1 Your talking disturbs the cave  and it falls on top of you.!
   1 You're in the wrong game.!
   1 You're carrying too much.!
   1 You whistle to yourself.!
   1 You throw the rope up the hole  and start climbing up slowly.!
   1 You then hear a twig snap.!
   1 You then gasp as in front of!
   1 You start talking to yourself.!
   1 You start sobbing loudly.!
   1 You stand in the darkness of!
   1 You stand at the bottom of a!
   1 You squeeze into the corner!
   1 You smell something similar to  old socks.!
   1 You sit on your knees for a while.!
   1 You reach the top and climb out.!
   1 You proudly wear the crown upon you head.!
   1 You pour the liquid into the    jeep.!
   1 You notice you can go South-!
   1 You notice *<
   1 You move your hands about but   can't catch it.!
   1 You jump up and down.!
   1 You hurt your arm.!
   1 You hit the door and hurt your  shoulder.!
   1 You hear the hum of a fly!
   1 You hear loud hissing.!
   1 You hear dripping water.!
   1 You head into a small, cold,!
   1 You head South.!
   1 You head South upon the rocks!
   1 You head North deeper into!
   1 You have scored *N
   1 You feel a chill down your spine!
   1 You enexpectingly fall into it!
   1 You continue East until this!
   1 You cannot go that way.!
   1 You cannot go in that direction.!
   1 You can't smell anything.!
   1 You can't go yet.!
   1 You can't go without your jeep.!
   1 You can't go that way.!
   1 You can't get that.!
   1 You can't climb that.!
   1 You can't !
   1 You can smell poppies.!
   1 You can see !
   1 You can hear the sounds of the  forest.!
   1 You can hear rushing water.!
   1 You can hear a snake.!
   1 You can go North or South-East.!
   1 You can also see hieroglyphics.!
   1 You are walking in mud that!
   1 You are standing at the top!
   1 You are hit over the head.!
   1 You are confronted with trees!
   1 You are carrying!
   1 You are carrying *H
   1 You are behind you jeep on!
   1 Where do flies go in winter!
   1 What with ?!
   1 What does a tap and a nose have in common!
   1 What do you call a male mummy!
   1 What direction ?!
   1 West or South-East.>
   1 West of the bones is freedom.!
   1 Water trickles on your head!
   1 Water rushes underneath your    feet, leading from one rock to  another.!
   1 Upon study you realize what theymean.!
   1 Upon examination you realize it reads a puzzle.!
   1 To the South-West is a gap in!
   1 To the South you can see light.!
   1 Time passes.!
   1 This section of the cave had!
   1 This part of the cave is crampedand wet.!
   1 They're from your own jeep.!
   1 They're all out of reach.!
   1 They seem to be painted with a  glowing paint.!
   1 They seem newly written.!
   1 They look very old.!
   1 They look dangerous.!
   1 They hang in a loose web.!
   1 They are the same size as your  foot.!
   1 They are painted with a glowing paint.!
   1 They are newly written.!
   1 The walls are smooth and plain.!
   1 The trees are thicker here!
   1 The trees are in the way.!
   1 The terrain becomes rocky and!
   1 The sound of movement can be!
   1 The skeleton's arm points South.!
   1 The shadow moves out of sight.!
   1 The rumble gets louder.!
   1 The rocks end and you cannot!
   1 The poison takes a while to giveeffect.!
   1 The monkey grabs the banana and runs off.!
   1 The jungle is too thick.!
   1 The jeep is parked in front of  you.!
   1 The floor of the cave feels!
   1 The floor is muddy and you!
   1 The floor also glows showing!
   1 The door blocks your way.!
   1 The crystal has been dug.!
   1 The cave walls are now smooth!
   1 The cave now splits into!
   1 The cave is damp here.!
   1 The cave feels quite cool now!
   1 The can see the remains of an!
   1 The banana feeds your hunger.!
   1 That's silly.!
   1 Test mode.!
   1 Suddenly you hear a rumble and  the cave collapses on top of you!
   1 Suddenly you fall into quick-!
   1 Spiders like humans.!
   1 Spiders eat flies.!
   1 South wall.  You see that, as!
   1 South of the bones is false.!
   1 Soon after you die.
   1 Something grabs your leg.!
   1 Snakes eat spiders.!
   1 Run where ?!
   1 Power     
   1 Pour what ?!
   1 Ouch! You hurt your head.!
   1 North-East of you is a gap in!
   1 No you mustn't.!
   1 Monkeys like fruit.!
   1 Maybe something is hidden here>
   1 Looking up you can see the hole from which you fell.!
   1 Logo      
   1 It's under the boulder.!
   1 It's half covered with a boulder!
   1 It's far too heavy.!
   1 It's a very big rock.!
   1 It's a strange rectangular shape!
   1 It suddenly pounces at you!
   1 It stands looking down at you.!
   1 It smells like fuel.!
   1 It seems un-natural.!
   1 It rests ready for you to drive home.!
   1 It reads:!
   1 It moves behind a rock.!
   1 It isn't very deep.!
   1 It is wide enough to get through!
   1 It is too high up.!
   1 It is so dark you cannot see!
   1 It is hidden from sight.!
   1 It is dark and eerie.!
   1 It is damp and muddy.!
   1 It has sharp pointed teeth.!
   1 It flickers down the cave.!
   1 It exploads in front of you.!
   1 It appears to be an extention ofthe cave.!
   1 Is a diamond a type of crystal!
   1 Is a banana a fruit!
   1 In the middle of the rocks is!
   1 In front of you, to the North!
   1 I don't understand.!
   1 Hieroglyphics can be seen on thewall of the cave.!
   1 Ha,ha,ho,ho.!
   1 Go on then.!
   1 Glowing rock dazzles your!
   1 Fuel is contained.!
   1 From the top of the steps a     shadow faces you.!
   1 From the North you can hear!
   1 From behind a rock a shadow     grabs your sword and runs West.!
   1 False are the words South of theshadow.!
   1 Examine jeep.!D
   1 Examine jeep.                                                 
   1 Everything looks okay.!
   1 Doors can be blown away.!
   1 Don't it may EXPLOAD!!
   1 Don't be silly.!
   1 Do you want to Quit or Restart ?!
   1 Disgusting!!
   1 Deep footprints can be seen.!
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Come on, play this seriously.!
   1 Candles can be eaten.!
   1 C/Power   
   1 But you don't have that.!
   1 But it's too far away.!
   1 Bananas are tasty.!
   1 As you walk you realize an!
   1 As you lean against the wall!
   1 And fall to the floor dead.!
   1 All mucky and wet.!
   1 After some time you are at!
   1 After a short time, rubbing yourside, you rise to your feet.!
   1 After a short time it stops!
   1 A strange form of pumice stone.!
   1 A shadow of a tall figure can beseen.!
   1 A rumble can be heard above yourhead.   The cave could collapse at any moment.   Looking up you can see stalactites.!
   1 A mound of dirt piles up!
   1 A great pain is felt in the backof your neck as a large  spider sinks it's fangs into you.!
   1 A great metal door lines the!
   1 500 point bonus for crown.!
   1 250 point bonus for sword.!
   1 **l\^#V#"l\
   1 **l\N#F#T]
   1  nothing at all
   1  You stand in the mud as water  seeps from the roof onto your   head.!
   1  You drive on and on until you  finally run out of fuel.         Your mission is to find the    legendary Crystal of Power from an ancient city hidden in the   jungle.!
   1  You drive on and on until you  finally run out of fuel.         Your mission is to find the    legendary Crystal of Power from an ancient city hidden in the   jungle.
   1  You do not  realize what is    making the water move and where it comes from.!
   1  You dive to the ground as the  dynamite exploads.!
   1  You climb into your jeep and   drive West.!
   1  You are confronted by hierogly-phics on the rock wall.!
   1  You are at a clearing in the   jungle, on an ancient road.!
   1  They seem  quite odd  in the   middle of a jungle.!
   1  They are deep and about your   size.!
   1  The writing has been writen in fresh paint.!
   1  In a panic you drop all your   items and run East.!
   1  Deep footprints can be seen in the mud, leading from the East  to the West.    Beside you is a strange drawing of the Sun and  Moon.!
   1  As you venture through the cavea whistling breeze  blows behindyou.!
   1  As you move in the water you   drop your dynamite onto a rock.!
   1  As you look up you see huge    spiders, the size of your hand  awaiting prey.!
   1  As you climb to your feet you  notice the door has gone.!
   1  Ancient writing can be seen on the rock wall.!
   1  A torch lights up the room,    revealing a map on the wall.!
   1   You are  now in a  cave that  splits in two, the East and the South.!
   1   After you examine  it you     realize what it says.!
   1      The water turns red...!
   1       Appearances ARE deceptive.!
   1                               !D